Statement of Monsignore Prof Obiora Ike from Nigeria, CEO of Foundation, Geneva, about the necessity of Family Planning, (excerpt of his speech at the event “20 Years RFPD”, Oct 1, 2016):   

…what we teach others, that is what matters. It is not what we have but what we give to others that matters. It is much more about sharing with others that matters. This is the life of Robert Zinser and that is why I am here. I have collaborated with him for years and I found out that we cannot in our world tolerate a system where irresponsible reproduction of human beings continues to be a way of life, “irresponsible” reproduction as  Prof Radermacher, the chair of the German RFPOD Section calls it. The Catholic Church preaches and teaches responsible parenthood. It is in the books, it is in the Vatican Council: Parents should only bring into this world as many children as they can responsibly take care of. To bring many children and tell the world you take care of them, is not only irresponsible, it is even a sin. Many people do not even know. You have to teach them that sexual activity can lead to a child, therefore you must take care. You must teach them natural family planning, you must teach them other family planning methods that exist so that they are in a position to make a choice. To be able to make a choice, that is the value of freedom.DSC03065.JPG









Distribution of Contraceptives during Community Dialogue


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